Spofforth Parish Council,
Ginny Greenholes Play Area

Client Brief;

Vale Sport and Leisure Ltd was asked to refurbish a village play-area in North Yorkshire…

Spofforth Parish Council have a popular play area called Ginny Greenholes which is well used and loved by local residents. The Parish Council had two issues from the usage of the site – the grassmatt surfacing had sunk over time and was creating a Health & Safety risk whilst also adding to an increase in maintenance costs. They were also getting reports that their current equipment was slightly too challenging for really little tots – they lacked some targeted provision for under 3’s.

The Parish Council also wanted to provide a piece of equipment which commemorated a member of the Parish Council who was active on the playground committee but who had recently passed away.

Features Of The Design;

Vale Sport and Leisure suggested that the Parish Council used Vale Sport and Leisure’s Rubber Bonded Mulch to overlay the grassmatts to provide a continuous rubber surface. Rubber Bonded Mulch is available in natural colours and so suited the natural setting of the site perfectly.  The new surfacing accompanied 4 new items of toddler focused play equipment all installed onto Rubber Bonded Mulch. Vale Sport and Leisure also supplied and installed a bespoke Toddler Play Tractor and Trailer with a memorial “Dave’s Tractor” number plate to commemorate and celebrate their former colleague.

The Result;

The Parish Council by working directly with Vale Sport and Leisure, Spofforth Parish Council were able to increase the specification on the surfacing and provide extra items of equipment as Vale Sport and Leisure employ their own direct Site Staff.

“The project was delivered on time, with great care and is absolutely perfect. Already I have great feedback from the families in the village.

Don’t just take Vale Sport and Leisure’s word for it, Here is what the customer had to say about our work;

“ I am delighted that Spofforth Parish Council chose Vale Sport and Leisure to supplement the facilities we have to offer to youngsters here in Spofforth.”

We are more than happy to help, providing bespoke designs and knowledge in all aspects of Play!

Give us a call on; 01476 858759